TPG’s Advanced Driver Training curriculum is focused on teaching the fundamentals both of safe driving techniques and of vehicle dynamics and how they require full integration in order to attain superior skills. The human element: body positioning, field of vision, sequential use of the brake and gas pedal and how to blend the use of the pedals with the steering. Vehicle dynamics: the physics of driving the vehicle, weight transfer (front to back and side to side), spring-loaded weight/non spring-loaded weight, slalom, skid pad control, grip level (contact patch), and balance.
The use of specifically designed driving modules demonstrates and teaches each of the skills and techniques. As the student moves through the curriculum day, the modules build the skills and techniques, ending in the final drive session with all the skills and techniques being used in one module. A level of proficiency must be attained at each module. Further, the drive modules teach how the skills and techniques can be used in emergency/demanding situations to prevent accidents and save lives.
Normally, driving programs only teach the driver “sit-behind-the-wheel” basics. The TPG Advanced Driver Training Program teaches the dynamics, accident avoidance, skills and techniques to “Drive” and “Control” and properly “Test” the vehicle. The training is ideal for the professional test driver and any person involved in vehicle research and development.