Our Vision…….
To maintain a healthy, secure and growing company where our team members are proud to work and which is recognized, trusted and valued as the partner of choice by our clients.
Our Mission…….
To repeatedly earn the loyalty, respect and partnership status of our clients by regularly exceeding expectations, actively demonstrating our understanding of their goals, continuously responding to their business needs, dependably delivering on our commitments and providing a professional, safety conscious and quality oriented company environment for our people.
Our Commitment…….
As a member of the worldwide automotive industry we are committed to upholding the business ethics, social responsibilities, environmental care and sustainability goals and standards established by the industry's stakeholders.

For us safety always comes first…….period. Safety is everyone's concern and responsibility and it’s our first and foremost priority – we need every member of the team to be an active participant in maintaining and promoting a safe work environment. Everyone of our team is vested with the authority to enforce safety rules, prevent unsafe practices and initiate safety recommendations. Technical Professionals Group is the only testing services company with membership in the ICPGS (International Committee for Proving Ground Safety). Our safety culture is driven and ingrained - it takes conscientious and continuous education, reporting, analysis and remediation. It requires employees to know it’s taken seriously, so they live it too. That's why our test drivers achieve thousands of accident free driving miles and why a million+ safe miles driven at our locations is the norm, not the exception!

Quality is not only free – it has an ROI (and Safety is a vital component). Quality and Safety as a culture not only pays for itself but has a positive return in terms of attendance, consistency, reliability, all-round lower operating costs, avoidance of defect-correction expenses and a motivated and healthy workforce. Safety, in all aspects of operations, is an integral component of quality. For us, quality begins with the most rigorous recruiting standards in the industry. The quality of our people is what drives the quality of our service and allows us to provide a significant contribution to the quality of your product. The TPG quality safety program is recognized as the gold standard by the industry. And we make sure we integrate our programs into your quality and safety culture to ensure seamless compatibility.

Been there, done that - our executive staff has many decades of experience working in large complex companies and understands all too well the challenges facing line managers when they need to get something done quickly but first have to navigate their own company structure. Our organizational hierarchy is flat, our decision making process is measured in hours (or less), not days, weeks or months and our processes are geared towards customization of solutions to fit your specific situation. We don't operate on a 'one size fits all' basis. Our site managers are empowered to call the shots and, if they need help, just one request is normally all it takes - even to make major policy changes or adjustments.

True partnership is based on trust. And trust has to be earned. We understand that. We also understand the risk you take when you place a key segment of your business operations into the hands of an outside service. So we don’t make promises lightly, we don’t over commit and we listen. We’ve found, in the long run, that doing it right is more efficient than doing it fast. We’ve proven time and again that a focus on generating value, as opposed to obsessing over false economies, provides better returns for everyone concerned. Getting there requires teamwork, mutual understanding and, because we’re often brought in to fix a problem, some patience. But we know that’s how trust is built and it’s how we’ve earned it over the years.

Market pressures, project launch deadlines and warranty cost minimization are par for the course in today’s competitive world. Our job is to help you maintain your schedules, meet your deadlines and ensure you meet or exceed your quality standards. A clear focus on driving productivity achieves these goals. Our experience in deploying a safety conscious, quality oriented, technically savvy, well trained and self-motivating workforce produces the environment for productivity to thrive. It's our people who make the difference.